A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

A cute and whimsical puzzle game

Explore the whimsical pixel art-based nature in this top-down puzzle game where you play as Bibi, a cute round monkey who enjoys rolling.

This playable demo features 7 puzzles, requiring 15-30 minutes overall.

How to play

Playing as Bibi, your goal is to reach the exit of each puzzle by taking advantage of the slippery maze rules:

  • you can move in only one of the 4 possible directions at a time: left, up, right, down, using your keyboard or controller;
  • once you start a move, your move stops only once you've hit an obstacle (but you can chain moves);

  • some pieces of the environment will take you one floor upwards, and some other will take you one floor downwards;

  • interacting with some elements (i.e.  moving over them) can also alter the environment, thereby opening new paths and closing other paths.


Outer Wonders requires your monitor to support at least the HD (1280×720) resolution (which your monitor most likely does).


Outer Wonders has been thoroughly tested on a wide range of Windows computers, and should work seamlessly on any PC running Windows Vista SP2 or any later Windows version. This includes very-low-end PCs.

Some antivirus software may flag Outer Wonders as malware and block it, in which case you should consider adding an exception to let Outer Wonders run on your computer.

Please report any issue about running the game here, and we'll look into it ASAP.


We don't have a Linux-powered computer available for testing yet so Outer Wonders has been tested only in virtual Ubuntu machines so far.

With Outer Wonders being developed as an SDL2-based game, we expect most physical machines to be properly supported, though.

All you need is:

  • a 64-bit Linux machine;
  • glibc 2.18 or higher;
  • a GPU and graphics driver supporting OpenGL 3.3 or higher. If your GPU supports Vulkan, you may want to edit the config.ini configuration file and set renderer=vulkan to play a Vulkan-powered version of Outer Wonders.

Please report any issue about running the game here, and we'll look into it ASAP.

Future of Outer Wonders

This is an early playable demo meant to show the basic gameplay of Outer Wonders. What we envision for the full game is a puzzle-based open adventure game with a focus on exploration. We're aiming for a release of the full game on Windows, Linux, macOS, and possibly the Nintendo Switch in 2022.

Follow Outer Wonders on social media!

We're on Discord, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram where we post weekly puzzles for you to try out besides this playable demo. Feel free to reach out!

PlatformsWindows, Linux
Release date Apr 23, 2021
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(8 total ratings)
Made withSDL, Rust
Tags2D, Colorful, Controller, Cute, Pixel Art, Top-Down
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
LanguagesEnglish, French
InputsKeyboard, Gamepad (any)


Outer Wonders for Windows (32-bit) 6.1 MB
Version 4 Apr 23, 2021
Outer Wonders for Linux (64-bit) 6.3 MB
Version 4 Apr 23, 2021


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(1 edit)

I made an account just for this game. The Linux build is great and I learned about you from Gaming On Linux, they posted a link to your blog (which I loved). I'm not a game dev but I  work for a major enterprise Linux distribution company. I appreciated your blog (would have bought your game just because of that, though I am an outlier)


This is so great to hear, thank you!

If you enjoyed the playable demo of Outer Wonders as well as our blog, you may want to consider following us on social media. We're on Twitter, Discord and Facebook where we post weekly puzzles and also share our latest blog posts!

The linux build works nicely on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS!


We worked pretty hard on achieving decent Linux support so that's great to hear, thank you!

Show post...


Thank you for making this video! Hope you enjoyed this demo!

Nice puzzle adventure game! This game is featured in my Top 5 for this Week! Take a look at the video!


Thank you for making this video!

Do you plan a macOS version?
It looks like most of the crates, and APIs you use should make it easily portable.

We'd love to support macOS but sadly we don't have a Mac available for building/testing right now 😕

Our current codebase should indeed be 99% compatible with macOS though (our rendering engine supports Vulkan, which means Outer Wonders should be compatible with macOS/Metal using MoltenVK), so once we have a Mac available for testing we'll work on proper support for macOS 🙂

In the meantime you may want to try running the Windows version using Wine if your Mac supports it.

I'll wait for the macOS version than.
Happy about every minute I don't have to get near anything Windos ;)